The Electrolyte Distribution Puzzle, Electric Potential and Role of Quantum Mechanics in Living Cells

Author Details

Mark I.M. Noble, DSc, PhD, MD.

Journal Details


Published: 25 November 2020 | Article Type :


Examination of published data showed that, although the distribution of potassium ions between extracellular and intracellular compartments of a number of living cells in the same organism was constant, there was a wide variation in transmembrane electric potential. e.g., heart ventricle cell at about -90mV and the red blood cell at -9mV, i.e., there is no correlation between distribution of intracellular potaassium ions and trans-membrane electric potential. The sodium pump appeared to be activated only by increased intracellular sodium ion concentration above the predetermined normal value. Examination of the electric potential of intracellular organelles revealed that the highest were found in mitochondria at -180mV - 220mV. Therefore the source of electricity, i.e., electrons moving, in living cells,, is postulated to be intracellular mitochondria. Depolarisation is postulated to be a trans-cell-membrane outflow of electrons. Repolarisation is postulated to be an intracellular flow of electrons from mitochondria to the cytoplasm. Electron flows depend on potential difference and intervening electric impedance.

Keywords: electrophysiology, electrons, potassium ion, sodium ion, electric impedance.

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Mark I.M. Noble, DSc, PhD, MD.. (2020-11-25). "The Electrolyte Distribution Puzzle, Electric Potential and Role of Quantum Mechanics in Living Cells." *Volume 3*, 2, 18-26